Quick Tip: Staining a Dead Head with Coffee Grounds

Quick Tip: Staining a Dead Head with Coffee Grounds

Try this on your dead heads or shed antlers. Quite often when you find a dead head or shed in the spring it is bleached out by the sun and is extremely white. I stained these antlers with used wet coffee grounds and it is a noticeable difference. Three days in a row, I took used coffee grounds after drinking the pot (yes, I drink a lot of coffee) and rubbed the wet coffee grounds on the antlers with a paper towel.  It is super easy, and the coffee grounds is the perfect shade of brown to darken the antlers to look more like their original color.

Before pic - White sun-bleached dead head


Before pic - white sunbleached dead head

After pic - coffee stained dead head

After pic of staining with coffee grounds.


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